Okay this week has been absolutely wild but lots of good!!
☆ got in contact with another person we have been calling for 2 months and they’re getting a Book of Mormon!!
☆got to finally meet someone I’ve been talking to on Facebook for a long time which was so happy!
☆got to go to the temple!!!! We went with Paul and a couple other recent converts and I was able to baptized for his mom, so special!
☆I’m on my way to the temple again for another recent converts’ endowment!!!
☆we helped a returning member (who hasn’t been back since she got baptized in ’96) do family history work and a lot of her relatives work is done! She started crying when she saw that and now she wants to work towards the temple and her husband wants to get baptized!!
There are soo many more miracles I can’t think of but I have 2 minutes to send this
Im leaving Lawrenceburg and I’m devastated!! I’ll be in Smyrna now!