May 28, 2023
“The Son of Man Shall Come”
Presiding: Bishop Jared Arnett
Conducting: Bishop Jared Arnett
Organist: Sister Staci Thomas
Chorister: Sister Eve Shepherd
Welcome: Bishop Jared Arnett
Opening Hymn: #72 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Invocation: Sister Katelyn McRae
Ward & Stake Business
Sacrament Hymn: #185 Reverently and Meekly Now
~Administration of the Sacrament~
Speaker: Brother Leighton Haught
Intermediate Rest Hymn: #78 God of Our Fathers, Whose Mighty Hand
Speaker: Brother Mark Bradshaw
Closing Hymn: #130 Be Thou Humble
Benediction: Brother Ethan McRae