Mar 26, 2023
“Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”
Presiding: Bishop Jared Arnett
Conducting: Bishop Jared Arnett
Organist: Brother Root
Chorister: Sister Eve Shepherd
Welcome: Bishop Jared Arnett
Opening Hymn: #114 Come Unto Him
Invocation: Sister Laurie Barker
Ward & Stake Business
Sacrament Hymn: #191 Behold the Great Redeemer Die
~Administration of the Sacrament~
Speaker: Brother Ron Stratton
Musical Number: “O Divine Redeemer”
Sung by: Carlie Smith
Accompanied by: Tina Linford
Speaker: Sister Karen Stratton
Closing Hymn: #247 The Iron Rod
Benediction: Brother Dave Barker