Edgewood Ward

Category: Announcements – Archived

  • church education

    Church Education Open House Youth ages 11-18 and their parents/youth leaders are invited to attend the upcoming Church Education Open House. The open house will encourage furthering education, introduce youth to options within the Church Education System, and provide opportunity to engage with CES representatives. There will be games and prizes. The event starts at…

  • Fireside: Why I Believe

    Fireside: Why I Believe On Sunday, September 11th there will be a “Why I Believe Fireside” hosted by the Arizona Mesa Mission and the Kimball Stake.  There, recent converts will share their testimonies of Jesus Christ with light refreshments served afterwards.  We invite you to come and bring your friends who may want to learn more…

  • Stake Conference

    Stake Conference We invite you to come and be inspired by messages of faith, hope and joy by the Stake Presidency and by invited members. September 17th & 18th. View additional details here.

  • Easter Pageant Auditions

    Mesa Easter Pageant Auditions Auditions for cast members in the Mesa Easter Pageant: Jesus the Christ will be done online again this year. All audition information will be available at www.mesatemple.org beginning September 1, 2022. Applications and video submissions will be accepted from September 1st to October 1st. There will be no extension to that…

  • Youth Fireside

    Youth Fireside Brother Amram Musungu from Kenya will be speaking of his conversion as a teenager in Kenya and sharing a message of missionary work, faith, miracles, obedience, and that the Lord is mindful of you no matter where on this planet you are. All youth and their leaders are invited to attend. Refreshments will…

  • Women’s Conference – Update

    Update – Women’s Conference Sisters – This Saturday, August 20th is our long-awaited Women’s Conference. Please plan to attend this special event from 9:00am until noon at the Stake Center. We are excited to share with you inspiring music and speakers, including our very own MKES Women’s Choir, Allison Jones, Kirsten Millsap, and Karen Schmeiser.…

  • Primary Program

    Primary Program Sacrament Meeting on September 11th will be the Ward Primary Program. Invite your family and friends to hear the primary children teach us about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and Their plan.

  • Blood Drive

    Blood Drive Give blood.  Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. Saturday August 20th View details here

  • Just Serve

    Thank You Thank you so much from the East Mesa Christian Church. Final delivery was made last Sunday. They were overwhelmed with your generosity. The Stake JustServe leadership really appreciates your support!! Continue to search JustServe.org for serving opportunities.

  • Feed the Missionaries

    Feed the Missionaries Lets keep our missionaries fed well! Sign up here to feed the missionaries between Aug 11 – Aug 20.