Mesa Arizona Kimball East Stake Conference
Beloved Sisters and Brothers of the Kimball East Stake,
Thank you for your faith, prayers, and devoted service. You are amazing. We look forward to being spiritually nourished together at our upcoming stake conference (dates & times below).
We invite you to join with us worshiping and serving in the temple today, Thursday September 5th, whenever and however you can. Even if you can only visit the temple grounds, come and enjoy the promised peace of the temple as we prepare ourselves to be taught together at stake conference.
Saturday – September 7th
Saturday Evening Adult Session
6:00p – 8:00p – for all adult members
Sunday – September 8th
Sunday General Session
9:00a – 11:00a – for all stake members
As you pray, study the scriptures, and serve others we promise you greater light and love in your life and in your hearts.
Mesa Arizona Kimball East Stake Presidency
President Duston G. Postert
President G. Paul Beagley
President R. Aaron Blaylock